Residential Surveys
Having a Building Survey or Homebuyers Report undertaken on your property is imperative for any purchase so that you, as a buyer can feel secure. It helps to ensure you that the property is in a suitable condition for purchase and that you are aware of as many issues with the property as possible before you take ownership
Often people can be misinformed that the Mortgage Valuation undertaken by the lender when taking out a mortgage is a Survey, which is incorrect and will tell you very little about the condition of the property or future liabilities.
A Survey will often save you, the buyer, money by identifying potential issues with the property before any legal obligation to purchase, protecting you from inheriting these issues & associated costs upon occupation.
What type of report to get?
Wren Chartered Surveyors offers two types of purchaser reports, the Homebuyers Report (Level 2) and the Building Survey (Level 3), these are both full Surveys that will look at all the main elements of a building. However key differences do exist in the scope and depth of the reports.
We are specialist Building Surveyors and therefore do not undertake valuation work, none of our reports include a market valuation.
We also offer bespoke reports such as the Specific Defects Report for existing owners to help identify causes of defects or issues and offer remedial advice.
More information on RICS Home Surveys can be found at
Building Survey (Level 3)
Building Surveys are bespoke, in-depth reports completely tailored to your property. These reports will endeavour to identify & describe defects and future liabilities to the property and then offer general remedial advice to help rectify the issues.
They also incorporate more detailed advice than in a Homebuyers Report on matters such as the surrounding areas, services and specialist information such as energy efficiency and fire safety.
Also included in a Building Survey is a Reinstatement Valuation for insurance purposes only and a more detailed desk Survey into things such as the subsoil and flood risk.
Building Surveys are best suited, but not limited to period properties built before 1950.
Homebuyers Report (Level 2)
The Homebuyers Report is a mid-level report that will identify any defects with a property where visible and report upon them, however, will offer limited advice on any repair works needed.
It is a well-rounded report, relatively brief and easy to read for any first-time buyer, or purchaser of a property with limited known issues. These reports are less time consuming for the Surveyor, and therefore less expensive.
It will also offer advice on future liabilities, such as when the property should be next decorated or when the roof coverings are likely to require repair or replacement.
Homebuyers are best suited, but not limited to, Purpose Built Flats (not conversions) and non-period (1950’s onwards) Houses.
Specific Defects Report
An SDR will look at a limited number of issues that have already been identified by a homeowner or tenant, such as but not limited to cracking, damp or roof leaks. The Surveyor will help identify the causes of the issue and offer advice on what repairs if any are necessary.
The SDR is designed to be widely tangible & tailored to the specific client’s requirements, so it’s best to discuss what your expectations are before having the inspection undertaken.
SDR’s are best suited, but not limited to, clients who are already in occupation of a property who have identified a potential defect or issue.
Desktop Research Report - Sprift
We will also provide a Desktop Research Report produced by free of charge with all our residential Level 2 & Level 3 surveys, where possible.
The Desktop Research Report will provide key facts about the property and the local market.
More information on please visit the below website: –